How do I take notes?

Learn how you can take notes.

To take notes, follow these steps:

  • Click onto your to-do and take notes from there.


  • Hover over your to-do and click to the three dots next to your to-do. Then click to "Focus" to jump into focus mode and take your notes there.

What can you do in notes section?

  • Write down whatever you want then type "++" for AI to autocomplete.

  • Type in "/" to do and add the following:

    • Continue writing

    • Send feedback

    • Add text

    • Heading 1

    • Heading 2

    • Heading 3

    • Bullet list

    • Numbered list

    • Quote

    • Code

    • Image


  • Are there formatting options for the notes section?

    Currently, the notes section allows you to add things like bulleted list, toggle, images etc. You can write “/” and then choose your need.

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