How does member status and member detail work?

Gather information on member status and member detail.

To check on a member's detail, follow these steps:

  • Click on a team member to see their details.

  • Get to know teammates better with detailed information on birthdays, hobbies, and favorites and send that first message without worry.

To check on a member's status, follow these steps:

  • Hover over a member's icon and see if they are available.

If there is an event in the calendar it will be shown as busy, if there is no event it will be shown as available, and if the app is closed it will be shown as offline.


  • What information is available in the Member Detail section, and how does it contribute to building strong team bonds?

    Member Detail offers in-depth information about teammates, including birthdays, hobbies, and favorite things, fostering a healthy working environment through strong team bonds.

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