AI Features Explained

Find out more about BeforeSunset AI's most important features and more: planing your day, making your todos actionable and creating subtasks all done by AI.

We currently have 3 AI features. And they consist of:

  • Plan My Day: Our AI feature creates the perfect schedule by syncing your integrated calendars and to-do list, saving you time and effort.

  • Make it actionable: With the AI feature, you can make your tasks actionable so that you can type down quickly and save time without having to write a full sentence down.

  • Create subtasks: Our AI feature creates subtasks for you to use as a guideline when you’re working on a task.

Let's go over each feature one by one.

Plan My Day

Plan my day features helps you create the perfect schedule by syncing your Google Calendar and to-do list.

How it works the best:

  • Write down your to-dos.

  • Add tag (the same tags are listed back to back)

  • Add planned time

  • Click to plan my day button and watch the magic happen 🎉

Make it Actionable

Click on the AI assistant icon button that appears when you hover over the todo and select make it actionable. Convert tasks into actionable items swiftly with AI, saving time without detailed typing. When you make your tasks actionable, AI generates more meaningful subtasks.

Create Subtasks

Click on the AI assistant icon button that appears when you hover over the todo and select create subtasks. AI will generate subtasks as guidelines for task completion for you based on each task.

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